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African Soccerscapes: How a Continent Changed the World's Game (Africa in World History)

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Results African Soccerscapes: How a Continent Changed the World's Game (Africa in World History)

African Soccerscapes How a Continent Changed the World’s ~ But the growth of women’s soccer and South Africa’s hosting of the 2010 World Cup also challenge the onedimensional notion of Africa as a backward “tribal” continent populated by victims of war corruption famine and disease

African Soccerscapes How a Continent Changed the Worlds ~ Playing football at Amorikot community primary school northeast Uganda The game retains the power to inspire young Africans Photograph Dan ChungThe Guardian When South Africa was announced as the host of the 2010 World Cup it was understood across the continent that in part this was Africas tournament

African Soccerscapes How a continent changed the worlds ~ In the first part of the book which considers African soccers formative stages the central argument regarding the role of African soccer in shaping the worlds game is subsumed perhaps understandably beneath a narrative of colonialism

African Soccerscapes How a Continent Changed the World’s ~ African Soccerscapes How a Continent Changed the World’s Game The history of soccer in Africa encapsulates many of Africa’s broader sociopolitical dynamics over the course of the last century and it is surprisingly revealing of the continent’s evolving relationship with the rest of the world during that period

African Soccerscapes How a Continent Changed the World’s ~ Brief but really good overview of the history of soccer on the African continent and of African players abroad It starts off with the introduction of the game in Africa via various colonial institutions and continues on up to the present day with a bit about South Africa hosting the World Cup this summer

African Soccerscapes How a Continent Changed the Worlds ~ Soccer was a rare form of “national culture” in postcolonial Africa where stadiums and clubhouses became arenas in which Africans challenged colonial power and expressed a commitment to racial equality and selfdetermination New nations staged matches as part of their independence cele­brations and joined the world body FIFA

African soccerscapes how a continent changed the worlds ~ From Accra and Algiers to Zanzibar and Zululand African football today reflects the history and culture of those who play the game and how they have shaped it in a distinctively African manner In this book the author explores how football was influenced by colonialism the growth of cities independence and global capitalism

African Soccerscapes How a Continent Changed the World’s ~ “ African Soccerscapes …provides a great deal of nourishment for both casual observers and passionate followers of the game in Africa and around the world However do not think that it is a book about soccer alone It is a book about globalization power politics economics colonization neocolonialism

African Soccerscapes How a Continent Changed the World’s ~ African Soccerscapes explores how Africans adopted soccer for their own reasons and on their own terms Soccer was a rare form of “national culture” in postcolonial Africa where stadiums

African soccerscapes how a continent changed the worlds ~ African soccerscapes how a continent changed the worlds game Peter Alegi From Accra and Algiers to Zanzibar and Zululand Africans have wrested control of soccer from the hands of Europeans and through the rise of different playing styles the rituals of spectatorship
