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Odu Ifa: The Ethical Teachings

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Results Odu Ifa: The Ethical Teachings

Odu Ifa The Ethical Teachings 9780943412221 ~ Im no fan of Karenga and I was hesitant to purchase because of other suggestions that it is a copy of Sacred Ifa Oracle However I did not find that to be so These ese come from Wande Abimbola a prominent Ifa scholar and priest The odu verses presented are necessary especially because there are so many ethical lapses with

Odu Ifa The Ethical Teachings by Maulana Karenga ~ Start your review of Odu Ifa The Ethical Teachings Conflicted between 3 and 4 stars as a rating It is very easy to read unlike most Ifá literature and insightful as far as the moral teachings of Ifá from the odu also great for beginners

Odu Ifa The Ethical Teachings by Maulana Karenga ~ The Odu Ifa is for the Yoruba religion what torah is for Jews the Koran is for Muslims etc However poor translations have miniminalized the meaning of Odu Ifa the 256 spiritualmoral teachings until now

PDF Odu Ifa The Ethical Teachings ResearchGate ~ Furthermore Odu Ifa is referred to as the sacred text of the spiritual and ethical tradition of the Yoruba people Karenga 1999 The divinity of Odu Ifa was captured in the account of Karenga

PDF Odu Ifa The Ethical Teachings Download file ~ PDF Odu Ifa The Ethical Teachings Download file 1 PDF Odu Ifa The Ethical Teachings Download file 2 Book details Author Maulana Karenga Pages 431 pages Publisher Kawaida Pubns 19990215 Language English ISBN10 0943412226 ISBN13 9780943412221 3

The spiritual and ethical tradition of Ifa of ancient ~ the Odu Ifa the sacred text of the spiritual and ethical tradition of Ifa which is one of the greatest sacred texts of the world and a classic of African and world literature Its central message revolves around the teachings of the Goodness of and in the world the chosen status of humans in the world the criteria of a good world and the re

ETHICAL INSIGHTS FROM ODU IFA CHOOSING TO BE CHOSEN Los ~ in the Odu Ifa the sacred text of the spiritual and ethical tradition of Ifa which is one of the greatest sacred texts of the world and a classic of African and world literature Its central message revolves around the teachings of the Goodness of and in the world the chosen status of humans in the

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